Montreal-based My Intelligent Machines (MIMs) is a leader in artificial
intelligence and systems biology. MIMs provides Biopharma companies with easy-to-implement and interactive augmented intelligence systems, allowing for accurate biological simulations at the early drug development stage, to assist life scientists in the development of precisely targeted and personalized therapies.
MIMs markets augmented intelligence systems packaged in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, to support patient stratification and the selection of therapeutic targets and biomarkers, both required for the development of more efficient and personalized therapies. Whereas conventional AI solutions generally operate as a ‘black box’, MIMs’ software solutions are based on open and explainable AI and data integration. Augmented intelligence empowers scientists and their machines to identify together what neither could have done individually. Creating a synergy between the machine and its users enables life scientists to capitalize on machine-based computer modelling, distributed computing and federated learning while leveraging their own expertise in life sciences, in order to understand complex biological systems more precisely than ever before.